Aspire class begins each day at ACS at 7:45 am
and lasts until 8:15 am. Aspire class offers all
students an opportunity to receive 30 minutes of
enrichment in reading and math skills. Students follow an alternating math/reading scheule daily.
Enrichment activities during Aspire class include:
Accelerated Reader
Math Magician - Subtraction (-)
Math Magician - Multiplication (x)
Creative Writing
ACS Computer Assissted Instrcutional Links
Aspire class is also used to deliver interventions to our Tier 2 students. Three to five students who need reinforcement in reading and math are pulled to the table with the teacher who provides skill specific interventions to each student. These interventions might include activities that address phonological awareness, phonics, reading fluency, vocabulary, reading comprehension, and math fact fluency.
Reading interventions are delivered using FCRR materials, while math computation intervention is delivered using the SAFI Tecnique.