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What is RTI2?

Alamo City School is committed to helping all children succeed. We have many ways to help children who are struggling to learn and who need additional supports to be successful.  RTI2 is one form of support.  At ACS we like to call it Reaching the Individual Instructional Services. At the State Level it is better known as Response to Instruction and Intervention.


RTI2 is a  multi-tiered delivery system that uses a data-driven problem-solving model to identify specific student need and match appropriate instructional strategies. 

What are the key components of RTI2?
  • A key component of RTI2 is that all children receive high quality curriculum and instruction in the general education classroom (Tier l).

  • Another component of RTI2 is that the school conducts universal screenings. Universal screenings review the performance and progress of all students through brief assessments. Universal screenings help schools identify students who may need more support or other types of instruction.

  • As a result of universal screenings, students may be identified as needing targeted intervention (Tier ll) in addition to the high quality instruction they are receiving in Tier l. Research based interventions are used to support students in the area(s) in which they are struggling. Research based interventions are teaching strategies or methods that have been proven effective in helping children learn.

  • Another key component of RTI2 is progress monitoring. Progress monitoring is a way for teachers to take a snapshot of how children are doing on a specific skill. It shows how well the intervention is working. It includes formal and informal assessments. Progress monitoring helps determine whether an intervention is successful or needs to be changed. This information is shared with parents on a regular basis.

  • When progress monitoring indicates that the intervention is no longer needed, the child continues to receive support from the general education curriculum (Tier I). When progress monitoring shows that a child is not responding to the intervention, another approach or intervention may be tried. If a higher level of support is needed, students may be given more intense intervention that further focuses on the supporting skills they need to be successful learners (Tier lll). Students who do not respond to Tier III interventions may be referred for special education. 

What does the RTI2 program look like?

The RTI2 Framework has three tiers. Each tier provides differing levels of support.

  • In Tier l, all students receive research-based, high quality, general education instruction that incorporates ongoing universal screening and ongoing assessment to inform instruction.

  • In Tier ll, intervention is implemented when assessment indicates that a student is not making adequate gains from Tier I instruction alone. In addition to Tier I instruction, students are provided small group interventions designed to meet their specific needs. These students are progress monitored weekly or every other week using a tool that is sensitive to measuring changes in the student’s individual skills.

  • In Tier III, more intensive interventions are provided to students who have not made significant progress in Tier II, who are more than 1.5 grade levels behind, or who are below the 10th percentile. These students are progress monitored weekly or every other week using a tool that is sensitive to measuring changes in the student’s individual skills. 

What if I think my child needs Special Education?

If at any time parents become concerned that their child needs special education, they should contact their child’s teacher or administrator. Other forms of evaluation, in addition to information gathered through the RTI2 framework, are needed to determine if a student is eligible for special education services. In order for these evaluations to be conducted, a parent’s written consent is required. 

In The News
"In Tenn. Schools, a new attempt to help struggling students without special ed."

Metro Nashville Public grade and middle schools are starting a new initiative this year to identify students that are struggling to keep up with math, reading and writing.


July 16, 2014

High Expectations, High Support: Helping At-Risk Students Succeed With RTI2  

Joshua is a second-grade student here in Tennessee. All his classmates are diving into books on their own, but Joshua is completely mystified by the squiggles on the page. His teacher is worried. She can’t give him the support he needs to catch up, but he’s not far enough behind to qualify for special education services. How can she help Joshua get back on track?


June 27, 2014

Whitwell Middle School Embraces New State Initiative

WHITWELL, Tenn. -- Fifty seventh- and eighth-graders from Whitwell Middle School will travel to Disney World in May. But they won't just be getting on the rides for fun.


January 31, 2015

RTI2 Overview

Testimonials - What ACS teachers are saying about RTI2!

     We know exactly what skills our students need and we have a plan to teach that specific skill.



      There has been a consistent plan in place that covered all of our students. I believe every child in this school benefited from the work done this year.


     I saw a large improvement in math fact fluency.



    The weekly data from progress-monitoring helps drive instruction and intervention.




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